Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Table Tennis Uniform How Do You Apply Spin In A Table Tennis Ball Launcher?

How do you apply spin in a table tennis ball launcher? - table tennis uniform

I build a launcher for Ping-Pong and the design is really a stomach tube, to a table that has 2 engine-powered flight to the draft of the ball forward. Has anyone any idea how I can add more spin, the ball?


Sam K said...

Go online and see the Airsoft Guns with a hip "until" the barrel-type. Use a rubber O-ring and the recoil effect can be adjusted by moving the mounting ring or, as the BB will take a turn in the opposite direction. The same principle applies on a scale larger than 6 mm.

tlbs101 said...

You can make a run, or the shape of a barrel of cardboard rifle, with the process for the production of spiral tubes.

Another option: Insert a thin strip of sandpaper # 600 or # 1000 on the interior of the cylinder. In addition, the construction of the tank can so that you can activate the breech position - so the spin orientation to be changed.


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